Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Knight update and schedule changes

Good News about our Brother Knights both Jerry Ball and Dennis Peasnell are out of the Hospital and have been moved to rehab facilities.

Jerry has been moved to White Oak Rehab on Ebenezer Road. He is room 410. 
Dennis has been moved to Westminister Rehab Facilitiy but I do not have a room numberas of this writing. 
Thank you Lord.

Tomorrow evening beginning at 7PM we will be holding a First and Second Degreein the St John Center I am encouraging you all to attend. This would be a great time to meet and welcome the many new brothers sho have joined our ranks in the last 4 months.

Mark your calendars the monthly council meeting has been moved from Monday November 9th to Tuesday November 10th.
WE NEED YOUR HELP BROTHERS:   On Saturday November 7th at 7PM in the Pope John Center we will be hosting a dinner for the prospective members and our new members plus their spouses and guest. The council will supply the entre but we need for the you to furnish a side dish, salad, or desert. Brother Joe Berger is heading up this event please RSVP (803) 487-9191 if you are attending and what you are bringing. The RSVP is very important so we will know how much food to order. Your help is also needed with the setup. St. John's will be in use until 5PM we will have a tight window to set up and be ready by 7PM again please notify Brother Joe if you can assist. The church portion of our recruitment drive was a success now we need to follow through and have a successful dinner event.
Tonight there will be a meeting of the Xmas social committee at 7:30 at the school in the conference room by the cafeteria. I keep hearing we need more socials now is your opportunity to get involved a committee of  only 6 to 8 people is not enough to plan and excute this event.
Thank You All,
Joe Geraci 
Vivat Jesus

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