Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Church Recruitment Drive

This weekend before and after each mass the Knights will be selling the attractions and Dining guides for the last time the program is winding down and we have not met our goal as of this writing but with a strong showing this weekend we can do it.

Plus we are conducting our Church Recruitment Drive.Brother Joe Berger our Membership Director has lined up 2 Knights for each mass.If you can give a few minutes either before or after the mass you attend it would help our council tremendously the better the turn out the more successful our drive will be.This is a great opportunity to show our two Principals of Unity and Fraternity  If you cannot assist please at least wear your red council shirts and your name badges. 

Remember getting a new Knight is as easy as asking the guy seating next to you at mass "Have you ever thought about becoming a Knight".

The state council is currently various recruitment incentives to both the councils and the proposers. If our council meets its quota of 13 new members by January 1st. we will be entered in a drawing for a 50 inch TV or $500.00.

Currently our council has 9 plus one waiting to make his first degree surely you can see how close we are to achieving this goal. Currently only 2 other councils have met their recruitment goals why not help to making us the third.

Thank you all for your support.
Joe Geraci

Vivat Jesus

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