Sunday, September 27, 2015

First Degree

My Brother Knights tomorrow evening at 7PM we are having a First Degree Cerimony at the St. John Center. We have 5 applicants requesting entrance into our order. I am encouraging you to attend and show your support for our new Brothers. Dress is coat and tie or business casual.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing tomorrow.

Joe Geraci


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Attraction Dining and Value Guides



We are approaching the 1/2 way point of our fund raising campaign for St. Anne's. It was Father Fabio request that the Knights do what we can to replace the Sacred Vessels used during the mass. I don't know about you but I would not like to fail Father by not making his request a reality. Father Fabio is a tremendous supporter of the Knights let's not fail him. The guides are a fantastic value at just $25.00 dine out twice you have your money back with 16 more months of coupons and savings to use. 

They make great gifts for children, grandkids, coworkers, employees, and neighbors.


Come on my Brothers let us get this accomplished we all know we can do this.

This weekend we will be in the Gathering space and could use your help. Remember the Knight who sell the most receives ac $50.00 VISA Gift Card. 


FYI currently we are at 14% of our goal. As you can see in order for us to be successful we all need to take an active role and be unified in this important endeavor, we both know this can be done and we have the power to do it.



"Lets win one for the Gipper"

Friday, September 18, 2015


Urgent Support Needed for Pro-Life Bills in Congress

To: Joseph Geraci Active View
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Dear Brother Knights,

Congress is set to vote in the coming days on three important pro-life measures. In the House, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act (H.R. 3134) would put a one-year moratorium on funding for the organization unless it agrees to abandon its abortion practice. Also in the House, the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 3504) provides federal criminal and civil penalties for failing to provide care to an infant who has survived an abortion attempt. Next week, the Senate is expected to take up the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 1553), which bans abortions after 20 weeks of gestation, the point at which experts agree that the unborn feel pain. Please contact your elected representatives in support of these measures.

Click here to take action on the Defund Planned Parenthood Act (H.R. 3134)

Click here to take action on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 3504)

Click here to take action on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 1553)

At the heart of these three pieces of legislation is recognition of the dignity of the unborn child. In the past several weeks, through the release of several undercover videos, the United States has received a distinct call to reexamine its conscience regarding abortion, which claims the lives of over a million unborn children every year in this country.
As you may know, most of the videos show or explain some aspect of the harvesting of organs for monetary compensation, including the grisly details of how these organs are extracted from recently aborted babies, many of them late-term.

Congress has held two hearings, one in the House Judiciary Committee, and one in the Energy and Commerce Committee, investigating the practices of Planned Parenthood and shining a light on this disregard for human life.

I was moved recently to see this video interview of Utah Congresswoman Mia Love discussing the Planned Parenthood videos: "Here we are in the United States of America, and our job is to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—first and foremost life," she said.

There simply is no good reason for taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood or any organization that performs abortions.
Thank you for all you do in support of the dignity of human life.

Vivat Jesus!

Carl A. Anderson
Supreme Knight 

Knights of Columbus
1 Columbus Plaza
New Haven, CT 06510
(203) 752-4000


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    Friday, September 11, 2015


    My fellow Brothers this is a reminder that Sunday is our monthly Breakfast and Lunch the proceeds will benefit Pro Life Activities. If you can help out for 30 minutes or the whole breakfast we would appreciate your help. If you cannot help out at least you and your family can join us for breakfast.
    Remember Charity and Unity are two of our principals so please do your part.

    Monday is the our council meeting 7PM St John Center this will probablly be Father Jim's last meeting. In case you have not heard Father Jim has been transfered to Louisiana and will be leaving in early October. So come and lets give our Chaplin a roaring send off.

    Finally there will be a CCG meeting following the council meeting. Look forward to seeing you at one or all of the events.

    Thank You,
    Joe Geraci

    Vivat Jesus

    Call to Prayer

    Brother,  I have just learned that Jim Aulisio wife Rita is in Piedmont Hospital suffering from Heart and Lung Issues. Please and them both to your prayers. 

    Thank you,
    Joe Geraci