Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Our Lady of Fatima Pilgramage

The following is an email I received from Fr. Paul  the Knights have been asked to lead the fifth decade of the  rosary this Friday as part of the ceremony.

Hello all,
Friday we will say the international rosary, which is part of the pilgrimage statue program. 
The designated groups for each mystery as follow:
 Sorrowful Mystery
1. The Agony of Jesus in the Garden- Tuesday night rosary group 
2. The Scourging at the Pillar- The Filipino Community 
3. Jesus is Crowned with Thorns- The Vietnamese Community
4. Jesus Carried the Cross- The Hispanic Community 
5. The Crucifixion of our Lord- The Knights of Columbus

Each community will announce the Mystery and say the rosary in its own langue.

Fr. Paul 

The rosary is scheduled to begin at 5:40 PM followed by the Mass at 6:15 PM.
Please mark your calendar for this event and help us to have a good representation of the Knights.

Thank You, 
Joe G. 

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