Thursday, May 26, 2016

RE: Corporate Communion

Brother Knights,


Attached is the list for those who signed up to visit Brother Jerry Ball at White Oak Manor.  As you can see there are still a few openings for visits so please consider spending some time with Jerry.  His family would really appreciate it. 


Deacon Henry Bernal from Divine Saviour in York commented yesterday that this effort is truly an outpouring of fraternity from the Knights.


Ray Howard

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Corporate Communion

Our corporate communion is this Sunday at the 10:30 Mass. Please wear your red shirts. Dr. Frank still has some openings for the ministries at that mass please contact him or see him before the mass if you wish to fill one of these positions.

If you are planning on attending the breakfast / brunch afterwards please RSVP either by email or calling me @ 702-626-5035 So I can get an accurate count for the restaurant. We will be going to 
Randazzo's Iron Grill. The restaurant is is 10.5 miles from the church.

Thank you
Joe G.

Corporate Communion

Our corporate communion is this Sunday at the 10:30 Mass. Please wear your red shirts. Dr. Frank still has some openings for the ministries at that mass please contact him or see him before the mass if you wish to fill one of these positions.

If you are planning on attending the breakfast / brunch afterwards please RSVP either by email or calling me @ 702-626-5035 So I can get an accurate count for the restaurant. We will be going to 
Randazzo's Iron Grill. The restaurant is is 10.5 miles from the church.

Thank you
Joe G.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Our Lady of Fatima Pilgramage

The following is an email I received from Fr. Paul  the Knights have been asked to lead the fifth decade of the  rosary this Friday as part of the ceremony.

Hello all,
Friday we will say the international rosary, which is part of the pilgrimage statue program. 
The designated groups for each mystery as follow:
 Sorrowful Mystery
1. The Agony of Jesus in the Garden- Tuesday night rosary group 
2. The Scourging at the Pillar- The Filipino Community 
3. Jesus is Crowned with Thorns- The Vietnamese Community
4. Jesus Carried the Cross- The Hispanic Community 
5. The Crucifixion of our Lord- The Knights of Columbus

Each community will announce the Mystery and say the rosary in its own langue.

Fr. Paul 

The rosary is scheduled to begin at 5:40 PM followed by the Mass at 6:15 PM.
Please mark your calendar for this event and help us to have a good representation of the Knights.

Thank You, 
Joe G. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Corporate Communion

Our Corporate Communion will be at the 10:30 Mass on Sunday May 29th, 2016 We will then have brunch at
Randazzo's Grid Iron
13105 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28278

The restaurant was changed because I received a call from the little cafe Sat evening  cancelling our reservation saying the time frame was their busiest and they would not be able to handle our group. Also tried the Golden Corral they no longer make reservations for their rooms on Sundays, . 

Please RSVP so I can get a count for the restaurant you may email or call me at 703-626-5035.

Thank You,
Joe Geraci  

Friday, May 13, 2016

International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima

On May 20th Starting at 3 PM St.Anne's Church will host The international Pilgrim Statue of our Lady of Fatima. See the attachment for complete details. Father has asked the Tuesday rosary Group and the Knights to be a part of this event by your presence next Friday from 3 PM on.

Thank you,
Joe G.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Jerry Ball sign-up


Brother Knights,


As a follow-up to Grand Knight's message, I have attached the sign-up list for Jerry Ball's visit.  Please consider visiting him on the dates and times that are not taken.  Let me know if you can help with this fraternal activity.


Ray Howard


  • Friday May 13 and Sat May 14 work days. If you can come and help us pull up the tile floor in room which will become the our council room in Faber Hall. We plan to start at 9 AM and I will have coffee and refreshments available. If you have an ice breaking tool (you northern know what I mean, please bring it) or any other tool you can use to scrap the tiles up.
  • Sunday is our monthly breakfast and lunch if you help out please do. We will have some of our regulars out and could use more people.
  • The June council meeting is changed to Monday June 20th. There is a week long conference going on during our normal date which forced the change.
  • Yearly Council Awards pot Luck Dinner Weds. June 22th. 7 PM to 9 PM. Please RSVP to myself or the council at this address. You may bring an entree, salad, or desert. The council will provide the water, soft drinks and wine.
  • You may recall that Brother Jerry Ball suffered a stroke and is now in a nursing home. His wife Thelma has asked the Knights for some assistance. Her granddaughter is getting married and she will out of town the week of May 27 to June 4. She has asked if we can visit Jerry during this time frame. If you can please contact Ray Howard he has a sign up sheet with the different times available. This way we will not over tax Jerry.

Thank you all for your support,


Joe Geraci, GK



A little of this and a little of that reminders

Just to bring you up to date with calendar changes and additions.

  • Friday May 13 and Sat May 14 work days. If you can come and help us pull up the tile floor in room which will become the our council room in Faber Hall. We plan to start at 9 AM and I will have coffee and refreshments available. If you have an ice breaking tool (you northern know what I mean, please bring it) or any other tool you can use to scrap the tiles up.
  • Sunday is our monthly breakfast and lunch if you help out please do. We will have some of our regulars out and could use more people.
  • The June council meeting is changed to Monday June 20th. There is a week long conference going on during our normal date which forced the change.
  • Yearly Council Awards pot Luck Dinner Weds. June 22th. 7 PM to 9 PM. Please RSVP to myself or the council at this address. You may bring an entree, salad, or desert. The council will provide the water, soft drinks and wine.
  • You may recall that Brother Jerry Ball suffered a stroke and is now in a nursing home. His wife Thelma has asked the Knights for some assistance. Her granddaughter is getting married and she will out of town the week of May 27 to June 4. She has asked if we can visit Jerry during this time frame. If you can please contact Ray Howard he has a sign up sheet with the different times available. This way we will not over tax Jerry.
Thank you all for your support,
Joe Geraci, GK


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Call to Prayers

Brother Omar Visoso-Lozano Mother has past away.Please take a moment to say a prayer for the repose of her soul and for the Family.

Re: Election of Officers

Sorry I hit the wrong Key and sent the message without the other positions.

3 year Trustee: to be announced at meeting
2 year Trustee: to be announced at the meeting
1 Year Trustee: Bob Ficco
Inside Guard:    George Clark
Outside Guard: John DeBrino

Again my apology for the confusion, hope to see you all at the meeting Monday.

Thank you, 
Joe Geraci, GK

Vivat Jesus

On Sat, May 7, 2016 at 1:25 PM, Joseph N Geraci <> wrote:
Our May Council meeting is this Monday May 9th at 7 Pm in the St. John Center. We will have the second reading of the nominating committee selection of officers for 2016-17. Followed by the election I encourage all Brothers to attend and cast our votes and be involved in the process.

The slate is as follows at this time:
GK:              Joe Geraci
DGK:            Tim Horan
Chancellor:    Tim Pasterchalk
Warden:         Brade Hoover
Treasurer:      Bill Downing
3 year  Trustee:

Election of Officers

Our May Council meeting is this Monday May 9th at 7 Pm in the St. John Center. We will have the second reading of the nominating committee selection of officers for 2016-17. Followed by the election I encourage all Brothers to attend and cast our votes and be involved in the process.

The slate is as follows at this time:
GK:              Joe Geraci
DGK:            Tim Horan
Chancellor:    Tim Pasterchalk
Warden:         Brade Hoover
Treasurer:      Bill Downing
3 year  Trustee:

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Brothers we need your help.

Dear Brothers,

As you may know each year the Council works to make Star Council. In order to accomplish this we must meet a variety of criteria established by Supreme. This includes earning the Father Mc Givney award for membership Recruitment. The Colombian Award, councils must complete at least four programs in each of the six Colombian Award categories.  Plus we are required to the get the Founder's Award. To get the Founders award the council must make our Insurance Quota. By meeting all this criteria and achieving Star Council we benefit in a number of ways. Most importantly the per Capita we must pay to Supreme bi annually is eliminated saving the Council approximately $1,200.00. This savings allows the council to do more with the money we save throughout the year.

So far this fraternal year the council has achieved everything we need except one item. Currently we are falling short with our insurance quota. To help Councils achieve Star Council, Supreme has reinstituted the $100.00 Annuity Program. Normally $300.00 is required to begin the Annuity Program. This is a great way to start or to enhance your retirement program without breaking the bank. This special program is open to all Brothers who have less than 10 years of service.

If you are interested in purchasing this annuity please contact our Financial Secretary Geary Bradley, at 803-3727806 or email him at me at 703-626-5035 or email me at We will need to have your application and check for $100.00 by May 15th.  You will not only help the council but will helping yourself build a better future for yourself and your family.