Monday, February 8, 2016

FW: Take 8 minutes to educate yourself‏

FW: Take 8 minutes to educate yourself

5:52 AM
To: Joe Geraci, Rick Thomas,, William Coker Active View
The Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires
Hello, kindly subscribe to my other YouTube channel which has the video of the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires and others as well. The name of the channel is HolyCrossChaplaincy. Thank you for…
Added on 5/20/15

Worthy Grand Knights,


Please pass this along to your members.  After you see the video, you will become a more of a believer of one of the tenants of our faith.


Think about this the next time you receive the Eucharist.  Once a priest consecrates the host, during mass, it changes.

"Is it really the body of Christ?"



Mario P. Insabella



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