Monday, November 2, 2015

Weekend of Activities

Dear Brothers:

Just a reminder that we have a weekend full of activities and could use your help and assistance. Saturday night there is the dinner for prospective and new members ( any member who has joined since July 1st.) and their spouses. Youand your spouse are encouraged to attend. The Council will provide the entre and we ask if you can bring a salad, side dish or desert. The event will be Sat evening beginning at 7:30PM in the St John Center. Please RSVP to Brother Joe Berger if you plan on attending at 803-487-9191.

Sunday morning we are having our monthly breakfast to benefit the Adapt a Family for Christmas. This year we will use the proceeds for  two of our Brothers who are in need of our help.

Sunday afternoon we will be at the Panther's Game manning the beer booth.

With several of our regulars out of town we can really use your help at these events. Even if it only for 30 minutes or so. 

Thank You for your help in advance.
Joe Geraci, GK


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