Saturday, April 30, 2016

Social Committee Has Requested your Assistance.

The newly formed Social Committee has developed a list of various events and request your assistance in  knowing which 4 events will be your top priorities. The events they are proposing are as follows: 

Charlotte Knights Baseball Game
Bowling night
Winery Day trip
Lite rail to diner and movie
Pot Luck Diner
Talent Show.

Please email your selections to Brother Joe Berger at

Thank you all for your assistance.
Joe Geraci, GK

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Additional thoughts

Brother Knights,


I am trying to organize a table of 8 to support the Palmetto Pregnancy Center of Rock Hill fundraiser.  I believe that this puts into practice our goal of eliminating abortions and providing support for the parents.  I received the following message from the Center Director:


"I wanted to personally invite The Knights of Columbus to the Palmetto Pregnancy Centers Annual Fundraising Banquet.  The Palmetto Pregnancy Center is an amazing organization that provides services to women, men and families in York County and is able to do so based on the contributions and support of organizations like yours.  We would be honored if you would attend our event and/or sponsor a table by filling it with 8 people who would be interested in partnering with us financially.  Our focus this year is on men and marriage.  We have started a men's coaching program and realize the important role a man and marriage play in the decision for a woman to choose to parent her baby.  If you cannot attend the event but would like a tour of our facility give us a call at 803-329-2524 to make an appointment.  If you cannot attend but would like to help us reach our goal of $200,000, you can make a donation here: or mail a donation to Palmetto Pregnancy Center 828 Lucas Street Rock Hill, SC 29732.  I hope to hear from you soon to reserve a place for you at our banquet.  We covet your prayers always".



The 2016 Fundraising Banquet is May 5

6:00PM - 8:00PM, doors open at 5:30

First Baptist Church,481 Hood Center Drive, Rock Hill, SC  29732


Contact Ray Howard at 803-325-1086 if you want to attend with Jan and me.


In addition, the Knights will be hosting the Silver Rose program this coming Tuesday at 7:00PM in the St. Anne Church.  The Icon and program has been coming to us annually for the last few years and shows our commitment to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Silver Rose begins its path each year in Canada and ends its journey in Mexico on the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.   I hope you and your family can attend this truly amazing event.


Vivat Jesus

Ray Howard


Wednesday, April 27, 2016


1.      Friday is the work day to remove the books and shelves from our future meeting room in Faber Hall on the Oratory grounds.We will be starting at 9 AM. Come help for an hour or the day. Hope to see you there.

2. Our Breakfast / Lunch has been changed to Sunday May 15,2016 due to Mothers Day.

3. Our Council Meeting is Monday 9th. We will have the second read of nominees for office and the elections. Contact Bill Rife if you would like to run for an office.Meeting will start at 7 PM see you there.

4. There will be a first degree Thursday May 5th, 7 PM at the St. John Center.

5. The Silver Rose Program will be held at the children's mass on Weds. May 4th 9 AM. Fourth degrees are needed so if you can attend in Regalia  please join us. If not come for the mass.

Thank you,
Joe Geraci, GK

Vivat Jesus

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Calling All Brothers, We need your help.

Father Fabio has offered the Knights a room in Faber Hall for us to hold our meetings and ceremonials. Currently the room is being used as a library and this is where you come in. 

We need help to move all the books and book racks out of the room before we can begin to upgrade and make the room ours.  

A work day to get this accomplished is Friday April 29, 2016 at 9 AM. Please come and help us get job accomplished. 

If you are available for only an hour or all day we can use you. Please RSVP by email or call me at 703-626-5035 if you will be able to assist.

We will have refreshments there for all workers.

Thank you for your assistance.
Joe Geraci


Friday, April 15, 2016

Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen

Reminder tomorrow Sat April 16, is our day to work the Dorothy day soup kitchen. If you are free we can use your help from 10 AM to 1 PM. Come on down share the Brotherhood with your Brothers and know the charity and time your giving helps those who really need it.
Thank you,
Joe G

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Update and April Newsletter


Our old address was hacked and members were getting a lot of junk and other unwanted emails. After trying a number of fixes suggested it was decided to close the account and establish a new one. Please make note of our new address  Delete any further emails you may receive with the old email address they will not be coming from the council.

Officer and directors meeting tomorrow at 7 PM in the school library.

Council meeting Monday April 11th, 7 PM we are planning a 1st Degree ceremony for 6 PM.
The first reading of the nominees for the council officers for next year will be read.

Sunday April 10 from 7 AM to 12 PM  K of C Pancake and Egg breakfast followed by the Hispanic lunch to 3 PM. We would love to have your assistance and help. If you can't work then come and support your Brothers by having breakfast with us.

Thank You,
Joe Geraci
Vidat Jesus