Just a reminder you still have time to sign up. If you haven’t signed up just show up tomorrow around 12 or 12:15 we will start at 12:30
We will bowl on 2-1-14 @ 12:30PM at Strikers Bowling Center 2 person teams.We will bowl a Scotch Doubles format we will bowl 3 games. For those brother that don't have a wife or girlfriend that bowls we will try and find you a partner. The cost will be $25 a couple or $12.50 for individual. Pizza and soda is included in the $25. If you have friends that would like to bowl they are welcome. All money after the cost of the event will go to Operation Hope. Please try and let me know if you or any of your friends will bowl by 1-28-14 so i can let the bowling alley hold enough lane for us. Money due day of event. If you have any Questions send e-mails to bdowling@okuma.com
Hope to see you at the lanes
Bill Dowling
Family Director